In the last few years, you've likely come across "gluten-free" cookies, cakes, pizzas and more. Gluten has become the rage. But what is it and why do we care about it so much? 

Now you are also thinking what I am thinking: These items are considered a part of the standard diet in many cultures—how come they are so harmful to us? Well that is exactly what I am going to tell you. 

The major source of gluten includes : wheat bran,wheat flour.spelt and drum 

So, yes when you switch to gluten-free, you have to say bye bye to pizza, pasta and more! 

What you can eat (gluten free) : Don't worry there are plenty of options available. So, no you are not missing out on anything. Plus,gluten -free bread, pasta, and flour are easily available in the market. 

Common Gluten Free items include : Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables, Dairy Products, Nuts and Seeds, Grains like quinoa, rice, corn and more. scratches like potato and more Gluten-free diets are becoming more and more popular. 

For people who have celiac disease, a gluten-free diet is the only way to treat the condition. People with celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten, which causes inflammation in their small intestines. Also, the level of gluten in our diet is increasing considerably. We are eating more processed food than ever before, so it's getting harder and harder for them to tolerate even trace amounts of gluten. 

Our diet is full of processed food and fast food instead of whole foods like fruits and vegetables. This is leading to gluten sensitivity and allergies. Hence, a lot of people are opting for gluten-free options simply because their body can't digest it. In a way, they are gluten intolerant. 

If you are gluten intolerant, you may have one or more of these symptoms: 

1. Gastrointestinal problems, including gas, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain
2. Muscular weakness or cramps, and bone pain 
3. Bloating 
4. Fatigue
5. Joint pain

Health Benefits of Gluten-Free Diet: 
  • Helps you to relieve your digestive symptoms 
  • Reducing the inflation caused in the small intestine because of celiac disease 
  • Helps in boosting your energy levels 

Now, where do we come ? Well, my advice is to listen to your body. Gluten intolerance can develop as we grow and our body’s metabolism and digestive power becomes less. Hence, having gluten free options at times is not much of a bad idea.