Smoking and Heart Disease Summary: There are many diseases you can get from smoking and heart disease is one of them. There are several causes of heart disease and smoking is one of them. And, there are many diseases which can develop from smoking and heart disease is one of them. 

Cigarette smoking is actually a major cause of heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. Peripheral vascular disease refers to a range of abnormal conditions that affect the veins outside your heart, usually obstructing flow of blood in arteries. Smoking is very famous like a celebrity star, in different ways. In exchange from the pleasure of smoking (pleasure for smokers because its very addictive!), your life is the price you pay. 

Smoking and heart disease may not come hand in hand because not everyone with heart disease used to smoke, but we cant ignore the fact that smokers may develop heart disease in a latter time or any other serious disease for that matter. Smoking kills more and more people each year and almost 40 % of those who died from smoking die from heart and blood vessel disease. Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemicals in which many of them are poisonous. Nicotine in tobacco smoke can increase blood pressure causing the heart to work harder. 

Carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in your blood. Smoking adds to the obstruction of the arteries which can lead to heart attack and other heart-related conditions. And, smokers have greater risk of death from coronary heart disease compare to non-smokers. Arent these reasons enough for you to quit smoking? If at earlier time you stop smoking and heart disease is what you want to evade from, then, you must value your life so much.

Did you know that after five years or so from the time you stop smoking, your chance of getting a heart disease is the same to those who have not smoked at all? Yes, its true! Studies have shown the risk of developing heart disease caused by smoking to those who stop smoking 5 years or more ago. Im not saying that you are still young and you still have more years to decide when to stop smoking, its just 5 years you know! Maybe you think, I still have 30 more years to live, I will quit smoking, lets say 20 years after, so that leaves me 10 more years That is a big NO-NO! By that time, you might have developed other disease more serious than heart disease like cancer. 

Cigarette smoking brings nothing but serious diseases to people. There are a lot of awful things that you can get from smoking and heart disease is the number one, followed by cancer. You may not die right away from smoking due to cancer, but you can die in just a matter of an hour if you are having a heart attack. So, quit smoking!