It is important to be aware of any signs of heart disease that you may experience so as to prevent the condition to get worse.

Heart disease is a traitor illness which kills thousands of people each year. It is the leading cause of death not only all over the world. Usually, there are symptoms of heart disease a few years before you develop major heart problem. This is why it is important to be aware and watchful of any signs of heart disease. If you ignore the signs of heart disease can cause your death. 

Some of the common signs of heart disease are chest pain, shortness of breath, swelling in the legs and feet, leg pain with walking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. If these signs of heart disease are detected earlier and treated, you may prevent it from getting worse.

Chest pain or angina is the pain, tightness, or pressure in your chest. This usually occurs when your heart muscles are not getting enough oxygen. It is a discomfort that may last for minutes or goes away, but comes back. The symptoms of angina vary from person to person. On the other hand, shortness of breath is the most common sign of heart failure. This occurs when the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood to meet the bodys needs. Since the heart is not pumping well, blood tends to back up which results to veins, tissues, and lungs to become congested with fluid. If this happens, you will have difficulty breathing. Sudden shortness of breath even if not accompanied by chest pain can mean a hearth attack. If you have heart failure, get immediate treatment to prevent it from getting worse.

There other diseases that can cause leg swelling aside from heart disease. Yet, the collection of fluid in your legs can be a sign o heart problems, especially if have other symptoms like shortness of breath. Pain in your legs that occur when you walk can be one of the signs of heart disease. This kind of pain occurs only with activity and stops within a couple of minutes after you stop the activity. This happens when your muscles are not getting enough oxygen due to blocked arteries. Blockage of leg arteries may means blockage of coronary arteries, as well.

High blood pressure and high blood cholesterol levels are both signs of heart problems. It is important to have a regular health screenings in order for you to know the exact numbers you have for your blood pressure and blood cholesterol. You should know that high blood pressure increases your chances of having stroke.

If you notice any of these signs of heart disease, have a visit with your health care provide the soonest possible time. You will be advised as what proper action to be taken to prevent the condition to exacerbate. The sooner your heart problems are detected and given treatment, the greater your chances of surviving from this traitor illness.