Winter is here, and so is the winter skin. The cold weather makes us all want to hibernate,but we can't! We need to be glowing like the lights of Christmas 

I know you're all excited to glow, and if you're like me, you've been wondering how to get the perfect skin glowing mask that will make your skin look amazing in just one application. I have found the perfect mask that will give you that instant glow. It is a simple mask that combines natural ingredients with some simple steps that will make your skin glow. 

The mask is made with natural ingredients that are perfect for winter as they help to hydrate and moisturize your skin. This will help to keep your skin looking healthy no matter what season it is. 

Before we start off with ingredients, I want to say that there are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to skincare.Everyone's skin is different and reacts differently to the same products--and that's why we should be so careful about what we put on our skin. So do not follow all steps blindly. Be mindful of the steps. If you know something doesn’t work for you, substitute or skip! 

Now here is the face mask recipe! 

You will be needing : 
  • Coffee, 
  • Honey, 
  • Milk 
  • Gram Flour 
  • Papaya 

Step One : Mash a few pieces of papaya and mix it. Papaya is a great fruit as it is full of antioxidants and Vitamin A! 

Step 2: Add 1 tablespoon of coffee and gram flour. Coffee is a magic ingredient for both hair and skin. Gram flour helps with lightening, too-it's full of amino acids that help fight melanin production in the skin, which means less dark spots! 

Step 3 : Now to dilute it add 1 teaspoon honey and milk each. Both these ingredients are natural moisturizers that will heal your skin internally. Honey also has antibacterial properties, so it's great at cleaning out pores too!Milk is another great moisturizer that will make your skin feel smooth and silky. Regular use will increase the oil of your skin. So dry skin peeps, put in a little extra if you have to. 

Step 4 : Mix all well. Make sure the mix is a little thick!And just like that-you've got yourself a mask recipe! 

Step 5 : Now all we have left to do is apply the mask on our face and neck areas gently with circular motions until completely covered. 

Step 6 : after 15 minutes, emulsify with water 

Step 7 : Wash it off with lukewarm water and the oat it dey 

Step 8: You can also now top it with a moisturizer or sunscreen depending when you are using it!

I really do recommend this mask. After using the mask, my skin was left feeling hydrated, fresh, and glassy. The darkness and dullness brought about by the harsh winter weather are gone-it's replaced by a fresh, bright complexion! 

I know you're skeptical, but if you give this mask a try yourself, you'll see for yourself.