A delightful refresher for this hot weather. Beat the heat with a healthy drink.

Do you love to eat fruits…?

If your answer is no, then slush can be a useful drink and easiest way to consume large variety of fruits and be healthier.

One such fruit is watermelon, apart from eating it can be used as a mocktail or crush and your treat is ready.

Good possibility for Kids and Old age to agree to take it


• Naturally sweetened
• Highly nutritious with vitamins and minerals (micronutrients)
• Calorie friendly
• High water content

Today, I am sharing easy and tasty recipe.

What all you need?

• Blender or Juicer or Food processor
• Watermelon (preferably seedless) – 1 Bowl approximately 250gms
• Water or Soda (as required)
• Salt to taste
• Mint leaves or Basil leaves
• Ice cubes – 8 to 10 pieces
• Lemon juice – 2 tbsp
• Black pepper powder to sprinkle
• Sugar – 1-2tsp

Servings – 4 to 5 People
Preparation time – 5 to 10 minutes

How to prepare

• Preferably take seedless watermelon and slice into cubes or diced.
• If with seeds try to remove it or grind and then strain it
• Now add watermelon pieces, sugar(optional) and ice cubes and muddle them.
• Pour into glass and add salt, squeeze the lime juice and sprinkle black pepper.
• If too thick water can be added to dilute.
• Decorate the glass with slice of lemon and mint leaves at one corner.
• Serve chilled along with the straw.

Note - Try to consume it on same day or immediately.


• Dip the edges into the salt (don’t add salt into the slush prior) by slightly dampening the edges of glass and then decorate it with slice of lemon and mint leaves.

• Mint leaves and Basil leaves can be added during blending along with watermelon to enhance the taste.

• Instead of water, Soda can be used as a beverage.

• Apple cider vinegar is another option to give it a tangy and sweet taste together.

• If some one need alcoholic option, then Vodka or Rum can be added.

Enjoy this slurpy thirst-quencher and relax in the scorching heatwave.