If you happen to have skin that is dry, home remedy skin care options are probably on your mind quite often. To put it another way: those who have dry skin want it to go away! The good news is that there are a lot of options, though not all of them will work for everybody. Yes, it may take a bit of trial and error to find the remedy or remedies that work best for you, but it will be worth it if it means your skin looks and feels great. 

A quick word of warning is in order. You should always talk to your doctor or dermatologist about any health concerns that you have. There is always a chance that your dry skin is the result of another health problem, and only a professional will know for sure. 

Castor oil and avocado oil are two of the best natural oils for treating dry skin. Other oils that people have used with success include olive oil, safflower oil, almond oil, and Vitamin E oil. Each person's skin is different, so try a few oils until you find one that's a good match for you and your skin. 

Go to your local health food store and get some green clay powder, along with raw (unpasteurized) honey. Make a mixture of these two ingredients and apply it anywhere that you have dry skin, being careful to avoid getting too close to your eyes. Let the mixture sit for about fifteen minutes before gently rinsing it away with lukewarm water. 

Aloe vera gel is a very effective remedy for dry skin. It has healing properties that are well-known. You can either buy aloe vera gel at the store, or grow an aloe vera plant in your home. If you choose the latter, simply break off a leaf as needed and squeeze the liquid onto your skin. 

So, your skin is dry, home remedy skin care is important but you're not sure what else you can do? What may surprise you is that skin care is about more than just taking care of your skin; it's about taking care of your entire body. Regular exercise improves your overall health and makes your heart beat more efficiently, allowing blood to circulate better and nourish your skin the way it should. Getting plenty of sleep will help your body to repair itself at night, and that includes repairing your skin. Avoiding the use of alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine will also work wonders on improving your skin. 

Another dry home remedy skin care option is to stay hydrated, on both the inside and the outside. Drink plenty of water to make sure you are hydrated on the inside. If you live in a dry environment, then humidifying the air will hydrate your skin from the outside. Whichever method you choose, it's important to remember that you there is a solution that will give you skin that not only looks better, but feels better too!